Manifestation Techniques

5 Manifestation Techniques You Could Try

Have you ever heard about manifestation techniques? Have you ever heard that “everyone is you pushed out” or “your thoughts, assumptions, vibration create your life”? These kinds of theories are part of the “manifestation trend” which is now on a roll. In this article you will find out 5 manifestation techniques you could try to change your life.

About manifestation – what is manifestation?

There are several “laws” preached all over the internet. The law of assumption is, perhaps, the most famous one and it’s based on the writings of Neville Goddard. Law of attraction and law of vibration are another two and, even if they have slightly different meanings, the main idea is the same.

What you are feeling, what you are thinking, what you are assuming becomes your reality eventually.

The self concept – the one from which you are manifesting

Besides the fact you should be positive, have a positive inner state, positive feelings, thoughts etc. for manifesting what you want you have to have a healthy self concept.

What does it mean?

It means to cherish, to love, to choose yourself, to heal your traumas and to act accordingly.

Although it might sound easy to do, it is not. Often times you should work with a coach in order to find your “toxic seeds”, your toxic assumptions about yourself, about the world, about topics such as love, finance, relationships etc.

The traumatic episodes from childhood and even teenage years, your relationships with your mother and father are also very important and have to be dealt with in order to manifest your dream life. Of course, implementing manifestation techniques is also important.


The state of “lack” stops you from manifesting

One of our “mistakes”, according to manifestation, is to want something.

Wanting something means you lack that thing and this prevents manifesting.

You have to behave and feel as if you already have your fulfilled desire.

Some claim the Bible is the first manifestation book

“Believe and do not search” from the Bible is “translated” in manifestation as “Act as you already have your desire and do not check your actual reality (3D reality).”

According to manifestation’ rules, the present moment is just your yesterday’s thoughts.

Many coaches and even on Neville Goddard writings it is said that we live in a multi leveled universe. Anything we want is already there so we just have to align ourselves with that reality.

Manifestation might have many “faces” but one cannot be overlooked

Many counteracted manifestations with all sort of opinions. Of course, there is a lot of debate here and each and one of us “choose” sides, might or might nor resonate with manifestation.

Yet, there is one detail that cannot be denied. We cannot deny the fact that having negative thoughts, assuming bad things about us, about our loved ones, about strangers, about situations, “rolling” bad scenarios in our minds cannot be a good thing.

In reverse, an opposite attitude can only be beneficial for you – no matter if you believe or not in manifestation.

5 Manifestation Techniques You Could Try

We detailed below some of the most popular manifestation techniques. Yet, keep in mind it is also advisable to work with a manifestation coach (we left some recommendations at the end of the article) or at least to “work a little” on your traumas, self concept and your ideas/assumptions about the world.

Two Cups Water Technique

Two cups manifestation technique

Take two cups and place on each a post stick. On the first, write your present situation: “I am single”, “I don’t have enough money”, “I am an employee.” etc. and place it on the first glass cup (it is advisable to use a glass cup, not a plastic one). On the second post stick write how you want to become, what you want to achieve: “I am in a beautiful relationship with X”, “I am wealthy and prosperous.”, “I am an entrepreneur”.

Once you are ready with the writing and placing the post sticks on the glass cups, fill the first cup with water (so fill with water your “present situation cup”).

Then visualize how it would be, how you would feel if your desire would come true.

For 4-5 minutes, just sit there and visualize, imagine, feel how it would be if you would have that desired fulfilled.

With this vibe, take the water cup and pour the water into the empty cup – the one with the post stick about your desired already fulfilled.

Continue feeling those high vibrational energy and positive thoughts as you pour water and become more and more aware that is indeed your reality.

The last step is drinking the water from the “fulfilled desire cup”.

Afterwards, rip up the “current situation” post stick, throw it away and keep the other one in a visible place, like a reminder of your dream already came true.

This is one of the most popular manifestation techniques as it is powerful and simple to do.

777 Manifestation Techniques

777 manifestation technique

If you wonder why “777” this is because 7 is a magical number and 777 is often time associated with divinity and dreams come true.

The main idea is very simple and it’s based on a simple principle: that writing down what you wish for a certain number of times can create magic, can create reality.

So, you just have to write down what you want to have 7 times, twice a day, for 7 days. As simple as that.

Your sentences does not have to include the words “need” or “want” like “I want to get marry” or “I want more money.

They have to be affirmations:

“I am with X person”, or “I am successful.”, or “I am a screenwriter/an actor/a teacher/a business man etc.”. or “I am loved and chosen.” or “I already passed the exam.”

Then, take a notebook and write the affirmation/manifestation 7 times in the morning and 7 times at night.

Repeat this for 7 days in a row.

Writing is a very powerful tool in many manifestation techniques as it helps you in believing you already have that desire. Besides, during the process you will start to trust yourself more and to have a positive mindset.

Read also our article “A poem, a Song and a Wine for a Beautiful Evening”

The Scripting Manifestation Technique – one of the most powerful manifestation techniques

Scripting Manifestation Method

If you are good at writing or if you like watching movies then you will love this manifestation technique. You just need to write down the script of your fulfilled desire, as detailed as possible.

First, you have to decide whether you are going to write it at past tense or present tense.

Then, you have to choose a credible, plausible scenario.

When starting to write avoid words, or expressions, or vibes of “need” or “lack”.

Then, write freely as if you write the summary of the most beautiful movie you have ever seen, with you as a main character.

This scripting method can be applied when you want to manifest a SP (specific person like a crush, ex-lover), a future lover, but also for other wishes like a wealthy life, a success in your career etc.). The scripting can be included in many other manifestation techniques.

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The Gratitude Look Manifestation Technique

Be grateful

What you focus on will grow – says one of manifestation rules. Therefore, if you are grateful, the universe will give you more and more reasons to be grateful for.

First step is to understand and to believe that if you have a certain desire it is already done. It’s like in the bible when it says “your faith healed you.”

So you have to know you already have what you want – therefore, it is normal and easy to be grateful for, to thank for it.

Then, cultivate that feeling, cultivate joy, gratitude, love and all the positive feelings that come wit your desired already fulfilled.

Besides, do not forget that on a “manifestation scale”, the feelings with higher vibrational frequencies that help you manifesting easier are “contentment, hope, optimism, happiness, passion, joy, gratitude, empowerment, freedom and love.

The gratitude here must be accompanied by visualization. For stronger results, choose 5-7 things for which you are grateful for.

Then, remain in that state of mind and see what those thoughts of gratitude transmit you, what feelings you have when you repeat those to yourself.

Write those feelings down and repeat the process when you want.


For example, if you say “I am grateful for my family” visualize the members of your family, some scenes from your family life together and pay attention to the feelings that you have in the process: joy, peace, detachment etc. and also write those down.

The Pillow Manifestation Method – one of the simplest manifestation techniques

pillow manifestation method

It is said we are manifesting easier when we are in theta state of mind – meaning right before falling asleep and right after waking up. (but, of course, not only).

So sleep is a very important “tool” for manifesting our desires.

All you have to do is to write down your affirmation and put that piece of paper underneath your pillow just before you fall asleep.

This way, you will see your desired written just before you fall asleep – so you will “train” your subconscious to have another pattern”. Besides, the desire will stay there, unbothered by anything else. During day time we might get distracted by 3D reality, but during sleep is much easier.

Manifestation Coaches to Follow on Instagram for more manifestation techniques

Whether you want to work with a coach 1:1 or you just want to see and listen to their videos and posts, here’s a list with some of the most popular manifestation coaches on Instagram.

Buket (Buko) Cetinkaya | Manifestation expert

Haley Hoffman Smith

Thomas • Licou | El Titou

Matt Cooke

Shelly Bullard | Become the Manifestation

Becoming With Lex| Manifestation & Mindset Coach

Kyle Cease


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